Djerassi residency, LitCamp ahead
It’s time to get down to the nitty gritty of writing my book-in-progress, tentatively titled Uppity Women and the Ongoing Fight for a Fair Education. I’m still doing some interviews to fill in gaps in the amazing story of Title IX from its inception to today. But I’ll be taking more time to focus on writing, seeking reader feedback, and rewriting.
Starting Wednesday, March 27, 2019 I’ll be spending a month at the Djerassi Resident Artists Program in the Santa Cruz Mountains, Calif. I’m so excited to be invited to join other writers and artists there for four weeks of intense work!

Then May 12-17 I’ll be at the LitCamp juried writing workshop, being held this year at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, Calif., where I’m sure I’ll get very valuable critiques of what I’m writing.
That means I probably won’t be blogging during those times and may be hard to reach by phone or email. It’s called a “retreat” for a reason. Please be patient if you’re trying to reach me.
May your spring be productive and your own creativity be manifest to the world while I’m “away.”